Trimming Your Hair

At some point as you transition from relaxed to natural hair, you will need to trim off the relaxed hair.  A relaxer does not wash out and there is nothing you can use to strip the relaxer off your hair.  The straight hair must be cut off.

You can of course go to a salon; however, you can also try trimming your own hair.  I decided to trim my own hair and I recorded a video of the process.  I was not trimming my hair to keep any particular shape.  If you need to keep a particular shape, you should use a salon if you do not normally cut your own hair.

I did not trim on any set schedule but do think you should trim your hair every three to four months.  I think it’s easier to maintain hair at a certain length as natural hair grows in.  I probably should have maintained my hair just beyond shoulder length but instead I allowed my hair to grow to bra strap length with half natural and half relaxed hair.  Dealing with the different textures would have been easier if I had done regular trims every three to four months.

I highly recommend trimming off the relaxed ends at regular intervals.