Studio Mo’Hair Trim & Blow Out
I got a trim at 12 weeks at a new salon, Studio Mo’ Hair in Manhattan, and I made an appointment with Michael. He was recommended to me several years ago by a long time client with natural hair, but with a much looser texture than me. I never got around to using him until now. I am doing my own blow outs and trims from here on out. It’s a done deal. I have been trying to keep up with an 8 week trim schedule since my Komaza Hair Analysis but didn’t make it. I went to Studio Mo’Hair with a 4 day old twist out on hair that was washed about 10 days ago and retwisted with Eco Styler Argan gel. A before photo is below.
Michael took me right away, no waiting. I knew right away that it was not going to be an easy experience when the wide tooth comb out started on my dry twisted hair. It was too rough for my liking and I heard my hair popping. Mike did listen to me when I told him he was pulling too hard and he was more gentle but I still heard my hair strands popping. We did a quick shampoo and Michael commented that my hair was clean after only one shampoo. He did shampoo a second time and then used some product which he said would “soften” the hair. It smelled nice but I don’t know what it was. He did a blow out with a comb attachment and it was also a bit too rough for my liking. He asked if I wanted a flat iron and I said no. He proceeded to trim my hair, just a little like I asked, and I decided to keep the blown out look for my trip home. It was cheap – $26 – but I gave him $34. I think he is great for someone with type 2 waves or type 3 looser curls. I would not recommend him for type 4 heads i.e., if you natural hair can pass for a straw set then you may want to look elsewhere.
The funny part about this was the looks I got on the way home, including from one older male neighbor who took off his glasses to make sure it was me. Hah! I guess he only uses glasses to see things that are far away. I never wear a blown out look so it probably was a shock to those who see me regularly.