Natural Hair Gurus

Between weeks 13 – 24 of my transition from relaxed to natural I started to notice my natural hair texture growing in.  By that I mean I noticed a difference between the relaxed hair length and the hair at my roots.

All hair textures are different.  You hair texture may be totally different from that of your parents, siblings and grandparents.  Your kids might also have totally different hair texture than you.  The only way to know what texture your natural hair will be is to let it grow in.  Looking at photos and videos of youtube natural hair guru’s with a similar hair texture to yours can help you pick out products and styles; however, that does not mean someone with the exact same hair texture will have the magic formula to help manage your hair.  It is all trial and error.

I watched, and still watch, a lot of natural hair guru’s to get ideas for hair products to try as well as new styling methods (new to me at least).  There is nothing wrong with watching and learning from those who have been in your shoes.  In fact, prior to youtube and all the natural hair blogs, everything was trial and error on your own.  Now we have the option to transition with the support of I-friends (internet friends) even if we cannot get such support for a transition to natural in our real world lives.  Feel free to chime in and let everyone know about your favorite natural hair guru or website!

I think most people know that my go to site is

natural hair shrinkage

my natural hair shrinkage and relaxed ends


transition from relaxed to natural hair