Fenugreek for Slip and Moisture
I recently learned about fenugreek (seeds or powder aka methi) to help with moisture and slip. I also understand it’s great for dandruff and promotes hair growth. I found fenugreek powder at my local Indian store and bought 80 grams for $1. I came home and whipped up a mixture of 2 tablespoons of fenugreek powder with 1 cup of boiling water and ran it through the blender to make the paste smooth. It was sort of like pancake batter once blended. I refrigerated it overnight since the smell was not something I wanted to deal with on a day when I had plans. I stored the leftover powder in the bag and inside a plastic container with a lid.
I suggest adding a few tablespoons of olive oil to the mix or an oil of your choice because if not you will end up with fenugreek seed in your hair even after rinsing.
As I applied the mix, I immediately noticed the slip. My shed hairs came easily out as I was applying the paste with no real finger detangling necessary. It felt much like the Shea Moisture Black Soap Purification Masque so I checked the ingredient list, no fenugreek. After leaving the mix on my hair for just under two hours (covered with a shower cap), I rinsed, cowashed, and used a little WEN 613. I don’t know what the long term effects will be of using this fenugreek powder mix but it could replace my purification masque.
If you give fenugreek a try, let me know what you use in your mix. Some people make a tea rinse out of the seeds instead of making the paste. Fenugreek is far less messy than henna and indigo, no gloves needed, but so far despite what I’ve read nobody I asked can confirm that fenugreek covers gray hair. Fenugreek supposedly can reverse gray hair.