I have not had a good trim in 7 months, other than clipping off the ends of my two strand twists on my own. I was going to try a new salon but when I drove over to make the appointment I was told that a trim was $100. I made an appointment for a trim at another salon that I’ve used...
New Hair Regimen fo...
I love the way this twist out turned out on my natural hair. It has taken me over two years to figure out the best products for my natural hair. Hopefully you can use these tips and save yourself some time and money. For this twist out my goal was 5 day hair with no retwisting. I...
Best Twist Out EVER
I tried the baking soda treatment again to see if I’d get the same results but this time I did a twist out. I was so excited about the results, as you can probably tell by the number of photos I took of myself as I walked down the street. This was my best twist out EVER on my curly...
Shea Moisture Curl ...
I decided to try Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie & Shea Moisture Curling Souffle on freshly washed hair to see if I would get the same results as I did with using the products on a two day old twist out. For me these products work best on damp or dry hair since, although my hair...
Splitender Maxi Kit...
I purchased a Splitender Maxi Kit to trim my own natural hair since it has been difficult for me to find a salon that I trust for a trim. It took a lot of effort to get the product as the website is almost always out of stock. When I did place my order, the tool arrived without being fully...
Shea Moisture Curli...
I have been searching for products to give me definition, moisture, shine and length for my twist outs and braid outs. I know, that is really a lot to ask from one hair product. I have been wearing twist outs since taking out my extensions. I have enjoyed trying new products but due to...
Jane Carter Nourish...
I did a twist out with Jane Carter Nourish & Shine and it came out very well! I did not take photos of the process since it’s the same twist out process I always use for second and third day hair (spritz with water, add product & twist). I used the Nourish & Shine on a...
Bee Mine Bee Hold C...
I have been on a twist out kick for a few weeks and this week I went back to using Bee Mine Bee Hold Curly Butter. It’s a natural product made with 100% Shea Butter, 100% Aloe Vera Gel, Essential Oil Blend, Vegetable Glycerin, Rosemary Leaf and Chammomile Extract, Silk Powder and...
Moroccan Argan Oil ...
So, I finally broke down and tried Eco Styler Moroccan Argan Oil gel on my natural hair. I did not have a great experience with the Olive Oil Eco Styler which left my hair crunchy and with no movement. Well, lo and behold, this argan oil version did not leave my hair crunchy like the...
Eco Styler Gel
I tried Eco Styler Olive Oil gel as a substitute for Kinky Curly Curling Custard to see if I would get similar results with a less pricey gel. I used Eco Styler on soaking wet hair after applying my leave in conditioner to avoid crunchy hair. I immediately noticed a bit of a coating on my...
Kinky Curly Curling...
I tried out Kink Curly Curling Custard along with Knot Today leave in after receiving a gift card for Target from work. I’m frugal and usually to not try out pricey products if I have to buy the full size version. I prefer to use sample or to try out a smaller version (cheaper...
Breakage Galore ...
46 weeks & 5 days – Rollerset & Flat Iron (Breakage Galore) I need to just stick with what works. I took out cornrows this day after 12 days. I detangled with Hair One and all was well….until I washed. I clarified with June Jacobs citrus clarifying poo...
At the Crossroads t...
18 weeks and 3 days post relaxer It is time to make a decision, continue with transition or relax. I had been in this place once before, at 18 weeks and 3 days post relaxer. At that time, I decided to go ahead and get my relaxer. That was just prior to my transition...
Saran Wrap Treatmen...
Saran Wrap attempt -13 weeks & 1 day post I was 13 weeks & 1 day post relaxer at this time and I tried to use the saran wrap method to straighten my hair. I normally would have gotten my relaxer touched up at week 12. I apparently didn’t do it...
Straw Set Natural H...
Straw Set Natural Hair You can straw set natural hair and transitioning hair to get an idea of what your natural hair might look like once you transition from relaxed to natural. If you are impatient, and you want to see what your naturally curly hair could look like...
Top Hair Tools R...
Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural Hair – Top Hair Tools One thing that you will realize as you transition from relaxed to natural hair is that you need some different hair tools. I used the denman brush for natural hair. When I first started my transition,...