Homemade Steam Treatment – 53 weeks and 2 days post relaxer Having never had a steam treatment, I had no idea what my should have looked or felt like afterward. I did not buy a steamer but instead used a trick post online. “HOME Grown Steam Treatment! here are...
Mastered Roller set...
Mastered Roller Setting – 5 weeks and 1 day post relaxer I was 5 weeks and 1 day post relaxer and this was my 7th self roller set. I finally found the perfect combination of products for roller setting my hair. I did not have staple washing products but I did like...
Mesh Roller set wit...
Mesh Roller set with Pibbs At 4 weeks and 2 weeks post relaxer I deiced to go back to using mesh rollers to see if I got faster results using the Pibbs. If you recall, I had started out with my first roller set using mesh rollers and air drying my hair. I got much...