I decided to try Blow Pro salon since I am still looking for a salon that can do a blow out on my natural 4a hair. The blow out process when I do it on my own takes hours since I do a lot of deep conditioning and pre-treatments to infuse moisture into my hair. If my hair is not properly...
OMHH Red Room Luxe ...
I so wanted to like OMHH Red Room Luxe Salon for my straight styles but unfortunately this natural salon just did not prove to be a positive experience. I had been checking out this natural hair salon (advertised as a “blow dry bar”) for a while and met the owner, Debra, a few...
Washing out Lasio K...
A few days after the Lasio Keratin treatment, I washed my hair. My wet hair was laying on my back, something that had not happened to me in a long time since starting my transition to natural hair. My hair felt coated, but not heavy. I used WEN Fig Cleansing Conditioner and my hair did not...
Flat Ironing Hair a...
At 50 weeks and 4 days post relaxer I attempted to flat iron again using Sabino. I thought that if only I could properly blow dry my hair, I’d get better results. I do think that I used Sabino properly this time, I used it on wet hair. I washed with June Jacobs clarifying shampoo and...
Breakage Galore ...
46 weeks & 5 days – Rollerset & Flat Iron (Breakage Galore) I need to just stick with what works. I took out cornrows this day after 12 days. I detangled with Hair One and all was well….until I washed. I clarified with June Jacobs citrus clarifying poo...
Accidental Afro at ...
Accidental Afro at 84 weeks and 3 days post relaxer I washed my hair in preparation to flat iron and then decided to have it done by a stylist for a week long work trip. Well, I had wet hair and no appointment until the next day so I just put my naked hair...
Top Hair Tools R...
Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural Hair – Top Hair Tools One thing that you will realize as you transition from relaxed to natural hair is that you need some different hair tools. I used the denman brush for natural hair. When I first started my transition,...
Aveda Institute Fla...
Aveda Institute Flat Iron – 34 weeks and 2 days post relaxer. I decided to go to the salon to have my natural hair flat ironed as a treat and someone suggested Aveda Institute here in NYC. I went to the one on Spring street. I got there at 9:16 a.m....
Roller set natural ...
Roller set Natural Hair – 35 Weeks and 1 day post relaxer I washed 3 times this weekend and completely understand now why so many ladies chop off the relaxed hair. I never noticed until today how prominent my line of demarcation is in my hair. I had a rough time this weekend...
Roller Set Natural ...
Roller Set Natural Hair and Flat Iron – 49 weeks and 6 days post relaxer I decided to do an Aphogee 2 minute protein treatment, followed by a flexi rod set (which I thought looked a hot mess). I ended up doing a flat iron with my Maxiglide and used Sabino Moisture...
Keratin Treatment o...
Rejuvenol Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair (done at home) I decided to try a Keratin treatment at home after having two treatments done at the salon. My first treatment was with Lasio One Day and my second treatment was with Rejuvenol. I preferred the Rejuvenol...
Maxiglide flat iron...
Maxiglide flat iron- 25 weeks and 5 days post relaxer I had been contemplating relaxing for weeks since my hair has looked a hot mess. My last relaxer stretch was 18 weeks and 3 days so this was new territory for me to go this long without a relaxer. Instead of relaxing again,...
Going Natural: Flat...
Flat Iron Natural Hair – 103 Weeks Post Relaxer I took down my curly twists after 9 weeks and flat ironed my hair with my FHI Runway. I did not get as much growth as I had hoped but I noticed that my hair is stronger and a little longer. I know that my hair...