At some point as you transition from relaxed to natural hair, you will need to trim off the relaxed hair. A relaxer does not wash out and there is nothing you can use to strip the relaxer off your hair. The straight hair must be cut off. You can of course go to a salon; however, you can...
At the Crossroads t...
18 weeks and 3 days post relaxer It is time to make a decision, continue with transition or relax. I had been in this place once before, at 18 weeks and 3 days post relaxer. At that time, I decided to go ahead and get my relaxer. That was just prior to my transition...
Top Hair Tools R...
Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural Hair – Top Hair Tools One thing that you will realize as you transition from relaxed to natural hair is that you need some different hair tools. I used the denman brush for natural hair. When I first started my transition,...
Wash & Go R...
Wash & Go – sort of at 21 weeks & 3 days post I did a morning cowash and detangled with my denman brush. I sat under the dryer for a few minutes (running late for work) so as not to leave the house with soaking wet hair. I rode to work for about 1 hour...
Washing Natural Hai...
Washing Natural Hair in Sections – 17 weeks and 3 days post relaxer I had previously stretched my relaxer until 18 weeks and 3 days (just prior to my transition from relaxed to natural hair) but I had not started to wash my hair in sections until I was 17 weeks an d3...
Going Natural: Shed...
Shed Hair versus Breakage: Hair Loss During Transition from Relaxed to Natural Something that you will notice as you transition from relaxed to natural hair is that you may have more hairs in your comb or brush during your daily hair maintenance. During this hair journey,...