Dominican Blowout on Natural Hair For my birthday I decided to treat myself to a salon style. I got a Dominican Blowout and asked that the stylist use my products. It was a Dominican salon which I did end up using a few times. I was 64 weeks and 3 days post relaxer,...
Dominican Blowout o...
Blowout Attempt – 24 weeks and 2 days post relaxer I attempted to do a Dominican blow out on my own hair after a roller set and it was a disaster. I tried a method I found on-line which included spritzing a bit of water on the hair before the blow out. DISASTER. I...
WEN is surprisingly...
WEN was a pleasant surprise – 49 weeks post relaxer I was 49 weeks post relaxer at this time in my transition from relaxed to natural. I used WEN Fig cleansing conditioner again and am pleasantly surprised. This was my second use of WEN. I used about 10 pumps of WEN...
Wash & Go R...
Wash & Go – sort of at 21 weeks & 3 days post I did a morning cowash and detangled with my denman brush. I sat under the dryer for a few minutes (running late for work) so as not to leave the house with soaking wet hair. I rode to work for about 1 hour...
Washing Your Own Ha...
Washing Your Own Hair – Tips for Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural Hair As you are transitioning from permed to natural hair, you will eventually wash your own hair instead of always using a salon. The first thing that you should know is that all of those...
Keratin Treatment o...
Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair: LASIO ONE DAY FORUMLA I took the plunge and had a Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair at a salon. I thought it would be a good transitioning hairstyle for me. At the time of my first BKT I was 66 weeks and 1 day post relaxer. I had a...
Much Ado About Co-W...
Co-Washing Natural Hair If you have been researching the possibilities of going back to natural hair then you have no doubt heard of co-washing natural hair. You are probably wondering what in the heck that means. Using sulfate shampoo can dry out the hair since...