Pibbs Dryer – 24 days post relaxer (3 weeks and 3 days) – Roller set
My Pibbs Dryer – Roller sets made easier
My Pibbs 512 dryer was delivered on a few days before I took these photos but I had just washed and set so I did not need to do my hair again. I broke out my dryer to test it out with a roller set – my 5th rollerset on my own. I used more rollers for this set than I have used with my past 4 sets – 20 magnetic rollers this time. I gave up on the mesh rollers immediately after that first air dry set. I really needed to invest in some gray 2 inch rollers rather than my hodge podge of smaller rollers. I did not use setting lotion, although I should have used it.
I set the timer to 30 minutes and I dried on medium for 5 minutes. It was too hot. I turned it to medium low and dried for 5 minutes and then I set it back to medium for the remaining 20 minutes. The heat stopped blowing after 28 minutes but the timer was still ticking a bit.
I took out most of my rollers and realized the back was slightly moist….not wet but moist. I re-rolled the one test roller and reset the dryer for 10 minutes longer. After 5 minutes I felt comfortable that I was fully dry. Using a dryer made such a difference versus my air dried sets.
So, after 35 minutes of drying under the Pibbs and after 37 minutes of roller setting (mesh rollers took me 59 minutes to install), the results are shown here. I was confident that I would get a bit faster at roller setting (and use larger rollers) and that I would speed up my drying time to 30 minutes or less. I also thought using mesh rollers would be faster than magnetic if I could just get the hang of using the pins to hold them in place.
My tip to avoid my mistake, test a roller from the rear for dryness and not the front. I had to reapply my hair net to finish drying and smushed my curls a bit since I had removed the rollers. Also, if you can handle the medium heat without turning it down, you will probably dry in 30 minutes or less with arm pit length length hair. You need a hair net for the Pibbs due to the air flow (it sucks upward).