Phony Bun Protective Hairstyles for Natural Hair





I picked up a phony bun filler as a protective style.  It was only $2.99.  I decided to it lower on my head. I was 7 weeks and 4 days post relaxer at this time.  It goes on like a pony tail holder and the hair is fanned around it. It’s made of a plastic mesh material.  The hair is then pushed under the donut.  Yes, my hair was two-tone in color but not from dye. It’s from using colored weave and relaxing with that weave installed. I’m told that the dye from the weave often changes the color of the hair in which the weave is installed.

Once all the hair was pushed under the phony bun, I did not bother to secure with pins.  It stayed in place without pins but that was only to wear in the house.  When I left the house, I did secure it with bobby pins.  Having the bun lower on my head did not showcase my two-tone hair color.