Honey and Olive Oil for Natural Hair
I decided to try a honey and olive oil deep conditioner on my natural hair to add moisture and shine.
I put together a video clip here: http://youtu.be/GTA6CcoN28c
I used about 2 tablespoons of honey and about 3 tablespoons of olive oil and about 3 tablespoons of conditioner. It was a bit messy since the container I used was on the small side. I mixed the ingredients until it was a thick, golden colored hair treatment. I applied my mix to clean hair from root to tip and left it on for about an hour covered with a plastic cap.
It rinsed out easily and my hair felt amazingly soft….more so than usual. My hair also had a bit of shine, more so than normal. To me, my hair normally looks dry after washing until I add my leave in. I covered my hair with a t-shirt to get out some of the moisture (an hour while I watched a show on television) and went about my normal routine. I did not add my leave in until after I dried my hair somewhat with the t-shirt. I wanted to see if my hair would have any added shine, and it did, in my opinion.
I did my usual twist out after adding buttercreme and gel.
Let me know if you have tried honey and olive oil and how it works for you. I plan to add this treatment to my hair routine for added shine and moisture.