Crisco Twist Out
I finally took out my Senegalese twists that have been installed since March 10 (nearly 3 months). I noticed a bit of matting while cleaning my scalp with Seabreeze that made me take them out sooner than planned. I had 2 touch ups during the 3 months to freshen up the look but it really was time to take out the entire style.
After I detangled my hair then washed and conditioned it, I decided to try a twist out with Miss Jessie’s Curly Meringue. I only bought it since Target had a Buy One Get One Free sale.
It did not come out all that great since my hair was soaking wet and it did not completely dry by morning. This is true despite my sitting under my Pibbs dryer for about 45 minutes before bed. I tried a second twist out the next night on damp hair (using a spray bottle) and more product. My hair got a little wet during my workout and it poured down rain that next day so I ended up with a lot of frizz and pulled my hair into a ponytail to hang out with friends.
On my third attempt, I went back to using Crisco since it had worked for me in the past when I did a braid out. I did this third twist out on damp hair (used a spray bottle with only water) and then I added a dab of Crisco to each section before twisting. To keep the style elongated, I used duck bill clips on the ends and just let them hang to pull down the length of the twists. Again, my hair got a little damp from my workout and it rained again off and on while I was out but it did not frizz as bad as I expected. It did shrink as the day wore on due to the humidity and sporadic rain showers.
If you have not tried Crisco for your braid out or twist out, give it a try and let me know how it works.