I washed out my Beautiful Textures Naturally Straight Texture Manageability System treatment #TryTMS. I used only the products in the system, no extra heat protectant, conditioner or shampoo. I filmed my hair reverting back to curly here: http://youtu.be/a3UgbtysLVk I’ve tried and...
Beautiful Textures ...
The Beautiful Textures Naturally Straight Texture Manageability System is another version of a Brazilian Keratin Treatment. Let’s just get that out of the way now. I filmed my application here: http://youtu.be/JHFz0ZgoF7E I’ve tried and posted about my use of Lasio (at...
Washing out Lasio K...
A few days after the Lasio Keratin treatment, I washed my hair. My wet hair was laying on my back, something that had not happened to me in a long time since starting my transition to natural hair. My hair felt coated, but not heavy. I used WEN Fig Cleansing Conditioner and my hair did not...
Keratin Treatment o...
Rejuvenol Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair (done at home) I decided to try a Keratin treatment at home after having two treatments done at the salon. My first treatment was with Lasio One Day and my second treatment was with Rejuvenol. I preferred the Rejuvenol...
Keratin Treatment o...
Rejuvenol Keratin Treatment I finally got fed up with the breakage of my relaxed hair. I had a second mini chop done at the salon, after getting a second keratin treatment on natural hair. The stylist used Rejuvenol. I took advantage of the special – $99...
Keratin Treatment o...
Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair: LASIO ONE DAY FORUMLA I took the plunge and had a Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair at a salon. I thought it would be a good transitioning hairstyle for me. At the time of my first BKT I was 66 weeks and 1 day post relaxer. I had a...