100% Natural Hair – 104 Weeks Post relaxer As I was updating my keratin treatment photo album, I realized that it had been 104 weeks since my last relaxer! I finally stopped counting post relaxer dates in weeks. I did not see anymore straight ends; however, I did have 3...
Going Natural: Flat...
Flat Iron Natural Hair – 103 Weeks Post Relaxer I took down my curly twists after 9 weeks and flat ironed my hair with my FHI Runway. I did not get as much growth as I had hoped but I noticed that my hair is stronger and a little longer. I know that my hair...
Spring Twists aka C...
Spring Twists aka Curly Twists – Crochet Braids on Natural Hair- Protective Hairstyle for Transitioning Hair I had this style in from 93 weeks and 6 days post relaxer through 103 weeks. I had a new style done, crochet braids done as curly twists. I...