A few days after the Lasio Keratin treatment, I washed my hair. My wet hair was laying on my back, something that had not happened to me in a long time since starting my transition to natural hair. My hair felt coated, but not heavy. I used WEN Fig Cleansing Conditioner and my hair did not...
Full Wigs – P...
By the time I was 61 weeks into my transition from relaxed to natural hair, I had a mini chop but I still had a significant amount of relaxed ends that I needed to blend with my curly hair for the times I decided to wear my own hair out. More often than not during this time, I relied on full...
Dominican Blowout o...
Dominican Blowout on Natural Hair For my birthday I decided to treat myself to a salon style. I got a Dominican Blowout and asked that the stylist use my products. It was a Dominican salon which I did end up using a few times. I was 64 weeks and 3 days post relaxer,...
Keratin Treatment o...
Rejuvenol Keratin Treatment I finally got fed up with the breakage of my relaxed hair. I had a second mini chop done at the salon, after getting a second keratin treatment on natural hair. The stylist used Rejuvenol. I took advantage of the special – $99...
Keratin Treatment o...
Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair: LASIO ONE DAY FORUMLA I took the plunge and had a Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair at a salon. I thought it would be a good transitioning hairstyle for me. At the time of my first BKT I was 66 weeks and 1 day post relaxer. I had a...
What is the Demarca...
What is the Demarcation Line? Around the time when you would normally get your relaxer touch up is when you see the line of demarcation on your hair strands. The line of demarcation is where your relaxed hair and natural curly hair meet along the hair strands. This is...