I picked up a new wig called Sarifa by Vanessa while wig shopping with my mom, around 48 weeks post relaxer. I had been wearing a synthetic lace front for a while but Sarifa is not a lace front. It’s a full wig. I simply put my own hair in cornrows and pinned on the wig with bobby...
Breakage Galore ...
46 weeks & 5 days – Rollerset & Flat Iron (Breakage Galore) I need to just stick with what works. I took out cornrows this day after 12 days. I detangled with Hair One and all was well….until I washed. I clarified with June Jacobs citrus clarifying poo...
Tree Braids –...
TREE BRAIDS – Second Attempt A protective hairstyle that I tried during my transition from relaxed to natural hair is tree braids. It was not a successful style for me (tried twice), but if it was done properly, I think tree braids would have worked well for my...
Going Natural: Mini...
First Mini Chop – 46 weeks and 6 days post relaxer I had my hair trimmed to get rid of the straggly ends and to give my hair some shape. I was holding on to length just for the sake of length. I finally came to the conclusion that so long as I can pull my hair...
Phony Ponytail R...
Phony Ponytail – Protective Hairstyle for Natural Hair – 37 Weeks Post Relaxer I was looking for a protective hairstyle for natural hair to give myself a break. I was debating buying the clip on hair piece called “The Mane Clip” and...
WEN Cleansing Condi...
WEN Cleansing Conditioner – 1st Wash after the Mini Chop I was 48 weeks and 1 day post relaxer at this time. Technically this is the second wash after the mini chop but I did not take many photos of that wash yesterday. I was out of town and just had to try WEN Fig...
What is the Demarca...
What is the Demarcation Line? Around the time when you would normally get your relaxer touch up is when you see the line of demarcation on your hair strands. The line of demarcation is where your relaxed hair and natural curly hair meet along the hair strands. This is...