Between weeks 13 – 24 of my transition from relaxed to natural I started to notice my natural hair texture growing in. By that I mean I noticed a difference between the relaxed hair length and the hair at my roots. All hair textures are different. You hair texture may be totally...
At the Crossroads t...
18 weeks and 3 days post relaxer It is time to make a decision, continue with transition or relax. I had been in this place once before, at 18 weeks and 3 days post relaxer. At that time, I decided to go ahead and get my relaxer. That was just prior to my transition...
Saran Wrap Treatmen...
Saran Wrap attempt -13 weeks & 1 day post I was 13 weeks & 1 day post relaxer at this time and I tried to use the saran wrap method to straighten my hair. I normally would have gotten my relaxer touched up at week 12. I apparently didn’t do it...
Roller set Natural ...
15 weeks & 1 day post I attempted to wash & rollerset but at 15+ weeks post relaxer I had way too much hair coming out in the comb and not enough slip with my conditioner. I tried Giovanni 50:50 shampoo & conditioner and I deep conditioned with ORS. Thankfully I did not need...
Dominican Blowout o...
Blowout Attempt – 24 weeks and 2 days post relaxer I attempted to do a Dominican blow out on my own hair after a roller set and it was a disaster. I tried a method I found on-line which included spritzing a bit of water on the hair before the blow out. DISASTER. I...
Wash & Go R...
Wash & Go – sort of at 21 weeks & 3 days post I did a morning cowash and detangled with my denman brush. I sat under the dryer for a few minutes (running late for work) so as not to leave the house with soaking wet hair. I rode to work for about 1 hour...
Washing Natural Hai...
Washing Natural Hair in Sections – 17 weeks and 3 days post relaxer I had previously stretched my relaxer until 18 weeks and 3 days (just prior to my transition from relaxed to natural hair) but I had not started to wash my hair in sections until I was 17 weeks an d3...