Breakage Galore 46 weeks & 5 days Rollerset & Flat Iron




46 weeks & 5 days – Rollerset & Flat Iron (Breakage Galore)

I need to just stick with what works. I took out cornrows this day after 12 days. I detangled with Hair One and all was well….until I washed. I clarified with June Jacobs citrus clarifying poo and then used the Hair One. Everything went well until I tried to rollerset with hair one. I used at least 30 pumps of Hair One and felt the tingling but when it came time to rollerset I did not have good results using Hair One in my spray bottle. I mixed it with water & Shea Moisture so if I try Hair One again I will not use that mix in my bottle.

I ended up having lots of tangles and breakage at the line of demarcation as I tried to comb out and roller set my hair. I had noticed this breakage for a while but the massive tangling was new.

I rewashed my hair with Garnier Fructis Strength & Repair shampoo & conditioner and then did a deep conditioning with LeKair Cholesterol (orange one) for about an hour with no heat and then 20 minutes under my Pibbs dryer. I rinsed and used Herbal Essences long term relationship leave-in and water for my rollerset.

I was nearly 1 year into my transition from relaxed to natural hair so my roller sets needed help when done to have smooth roots. I took out my rollers and then flat ironed with my Maxiglide. I like the Maxiglide because it cuts out the blow dry step.  I had done a roller set in this case but I have had success when air drying my hair and using the Maxiglide. I used FHI Hot sauce on each section of dry hair and swiped 2 – 3 times each section. I was able to get the roots pretty well too.

I added Brit Style Serum and then pinned up my hair. I was getting lots of breakage at the line of demarcation and was convinced that the 3 different textures (natural, texlaxed and relaxed) are what caused product to not work for me more than once (if at all).  I had to start to do mini chops since I was not ready to do a big chop and lose inches of hair at onetime….despite the hours that I spent on my hair detangling.