Best Twist Out EVER
I tried the baking soda treatment again to see if I’d get the same results but this time I did a twist out. I was so excited about the results, as you can probably tell by the number of photos I took of myself as I walked down the street. This was my best twist out EVER on my curly hair. Prior to this my most defined twist out was done on blown out hair.
I was not expecting the results to be that great so I did not document the entire process in photos but I did get lots of photos of the results before my hair it rained that day.
I did a baking soda treatment for 3 hours and followed up with an overnight deep condition. Once I rinsed out the baking soda treatment, I added aloe vera gel to my hair. At first I was going to just let it air dry but it was taking all day and my hair was feeling sort of crunchy from the gel. That night I decided to mist my dry hair with water and add Nature’s Gate Henna conditioner and twist it up. I put in about 12 twists. I let the twists dry overnight and took them out around 8 am. Once I took out the twists I was so excited at the definition that I whipped out my camera. I separated the twists (should have done maybe 20 twists) and they did not frizz as much as usual. In fact, I only noticed a little frizz on like 3 twists at the front of my head. To combat frizz next time, I plan to add oil to my hands. After I took them all out and separated the twists, I added coconut oil to my hair since it looked a bit dull from the thick conditioner. Hubby and I later went out for lunch so I snapped some photos of my hair outside. I planned to take some video but it started to rain and my hair did shrink a bit.
I managed to get decent second day hair out of this twist out by putting my hair in 3 pineapples aka 3 mini ponytails using my silk scrunchies (purchased from etsy).
Let me know what you think. Is it all in my mind of is this twist out better than all the twist outs I’ve posted to date?
Baking Soda is similar in ph to relaxers very acidic and works similar to relaxer. Im a pharmacist and chemist and a really good breakdown of this process is a video by kimmaytube. Check out her channel and be careful with baking soda. It’s also a man made product if that matters
Sorry my previous post had an error- baking soda is not very acidic but very alkalinic- as are relaxers.