My Pibbs Dryer – Roller sets made easier My Pibbs 512 dryer was delivered on a few days before I took these photos but I had just washed and set so I did not need to do my hair again. I broke out my dryer to test it out with a roller set – my 5th rollerset on my own. I...
Mesh Roller set wit...
Mesh Roller set with Pibbs At 4 weeks and 2 weeks post relaxer I deiced to go back to using mesh rollers to see if I got faster results using the Pibbs. If you recall, I had started out with my first roller set using mesh rollers and air drying my hair. I got much...
Spring Twists aka C...
Spring Twists aka Curly Twists – Crochet Braids on Natural Hair- Protective Hairstyle for Transitioning Hair I had this style in from 93 weeks and 6 days post relaxer through 103 weeks. I had a new style done, crochet braids done as curly twists. I...
Stop! Don’t Buy Any...
Stop! Don’t Buy Any New Natural Hair Products for Your Transition You have decided to transition to your natural hair, you picked your transitioning hairstyles and now what’s next? My suggestion is to take stock of the hair products that you already own. This...
One Thing Nobody Ev...
One Thing Nobody Ever Tells You About Transitioning Your Hair Going natural without the big chop is not easy. In fact, it is probably easier to cut off all your relaxed hair (also called the Big Chop or BC) and start with a teeny weeny afro (also called a TWA). If you...
Half Wigs – G...
Half Wigs – Great Protective Hairstyles for Transitioning Hair I decided to try half wigs for the summer. I was 75 weeks and 2 days post relaxer. The wig is called Aisha and the brand is Outre. It looks much better on than in the promotional photos. This...
Keratin Treatment o...
Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair: LASIO ONE DAY FORUMLA I took the plunge and had a Keratin Treatment on Natural Hair at a salon. I thought it would be a good transitioning hairstyle for me. At the time of my first BKT I was 66 weeks and 1 day post relaxer. I had a...
Much Ado About Co-W...
Co-Washing Natural Hair If you have been researching the possibilities of going back to natural hair then you have no doubt heard of co-washing natural hair. You are probably wondering what in the heck that means. Using sulfate shampoo can dry out the hair since...
Washing Natural Hai...
Washing Natural Hair in Sections – 17 weeks and 3 days post relaxer I had previously stretched my relaxer until 18 weeks and 3 days (just prior to my transition from relaxed to natural hair) but I had not started to wash my hair in sections until I was 17 weeks an d3...
Evil Fairy: Dealing...
Evil Fairy: Dealing with Single Strand Knots on Natural Hair As you transition from relaxed to natural hair, you will notice a phenomenon that many naturals call fairy knots aka single strand knots which are exactly as they read, knots that form on a single strand...
Going Natural: Shed...
Shed Hair versus Breakage: Hair Loss During Transition from Relaxed to Natural Something that you will notice as you transition from relaxed to natural hair is that you may have more hairs in your comb or brush during your daily hair maintenance. During this hair journey,...
The Journey Begins ...
My first roller set – Mesh rollers This was my very first roller set done on my own and I cannot really say that I roller set natural hair since I was only 3 days post relaxer. I attempted my first full roller set with mesh rollers. I was never good with magnetic...
Lies About Transiti...
Lies About Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural Hair I transitioned from relaxed to natural hair over the course of 2 years and along the way I discovered several things that are just not true about natural hair. The biggest lie that you will hear is that natural hair is...
What is the Demarca...
What is the Demarcation Line? Around the time when you would normally get your relaxer touch up is when you see the line of demarcation on your hair strands. The line of demarcation is where your relaxed hair and natural curly hair meet along the hair strands. This is...
Going Natural: Why ...
Congratulations! If you are reading this, you are thinking of making the transition from relaxed to natural hair or you are about to help someone else with their transition. Before taking the leap into the transition, you need to really think about why you want to...