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ABOUT I’M GOING NATURAL – Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural Hair
This site is all about my transition from relaxed to natural hair without the big chop. Feel free to browse around, view the photos and videos and also ask questions.
Have you decided to transition to natural hair but do not want to cut your hair. Are you looking for a transition buddy? Do you want to know what you can expect and at what stage in your transition? Are you looking for month to month, or even week to week expectations of what your hair might look like as you take this journey?
Well, this is the place to find what a transition from relaxed to natural hair might look like for you. I went from bone straight relaxed hair at about arm pit length (with some mild relaxer in the middle of my strands) to wearing my type 4a 100% natural hair. It was not an easy process and since I wished for help at the time of my transition I created this site to help others.